Welcome to the

Cozy Caregiver Cafe!

A safe space

where family and friend

caregivers can dream,

solve problems,

and find peace.


Allison K. Wyman, Family Caregiving Attorney, Consultant, and Coach

Hello Friend! My name is Allison Wyman and I’m a family caregiving attorney, consultant, and coach who has spent about 20 years personally and professionally in the caregiving space.

I’m a two-time cancer caregiver to my parents and both diagnoses happened at pivotal times in my personal and professional life. My Dad died in 2006 and my mom is cancer-free and enjoying time with her grandson. I have lived the spectrum.

Caregiving called me and I was not prepared. My family was not prepared. And we suffered emotionally and financially more than we had to during an already difficult time.

It didn’t have to be that way. It didn’t have to be that way.

And I don’t want this to happen to your family.

Here’s the good news! Regardless of your caregiving situation, you have the chance, right now, to prepare yourself and your family for whatever is to come.

I would love to be your guide for this season. I want your family to win in caregiving. And I believe you can!

client testimonials

"This was synchronicity, divinely timed, and a gift to me for you to share your energy, space, wisdom, coaching, empathy, and love."

"I just want to thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart."

"Your experience was the most transformational I've had in a long time."

"You bring light and a way to help people out of the physical pain and the emotional pain of caregiving."

"Your gentleness and how you read between the lines is incredible."

"You meet others where they are in their feelings, which is so beautiful, so compassionate, and so thoughtful. I'm emotional right now because I'm so thankful for you."

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