Protect Your Family

in Caregiving

A one-of-a-kind


for families serious about

preparing for caregiving,

protecting finances,

preserving relationships,

and optimizing

emotional health

Would you like to understand the "big picture" in caregiving and what it means for your specific family dynamics?

Would you like a Family Caregiving Attorney and Coach

to lead a family discussion on some of the hardest-to-discuss

but most important issues in caregiving, like health decisions, money, living accommodations, driving safety, etc.?

Would you like to understand your family's greatest caregiving vulnerabilities, and receive a number of tailored, potential solutions, so that when a crisis strikes, you're not starting from scratch?

Would you like to move this painful, anxiety-inducing caregiving conversation

from a To-Do,

to a To-Done,

in 4 hours?

If so, I'm so glad you're here!


Hello Friend! My name is Allison Wyman and I’m a family caregiving attorney, consultant, and coach who has spent about 20 years personally and professionally in the caregiving space.

I’m a two-time cancer caregiver to my parents and both diagnoses happened at pivotal times in my personal and professional life. My Dad died in 2006 and my mom is cancer-free and enjoying time with her grandson. I have lived the spectrum.

Caregiving called me and I was not prepared. My family was not prepared. And we suffered emotionally and financially more than we had to during an already difficult time.

It didn’t have to be that way. It didn’t have to be that way.

And I don’t want this to happen to your family.

Here’s the good news! Regardless of your caregiving situation, you have the chance, right now, to prepare yourself and your family for whatever is to come.

I would love to be your guide for this season.

I want your family to win in caregiving.

And I believe you can!

"We all know what we lose when a family member needs caregiving.
We know it's going to happen.

But we don't know how to win.

And I refuse to live my life simply waiting to lose."

~Allison Wyman

"Protect Your Family in Caregiving" VIP Day

How it works

Step 1: Gather Information

After enrolling in your VIP Day you will receive a Questionnaire of information to gather from your family that is critical for caregiving decisions, as well as a list of important questions to consider for yourself, before your VIP Day begins.

Step 2: Allison's Analysis

Based upon the responses from your Questionnaire, before the VIP Day begins Allison will analyze your family's caregiving strengths and vulnerabilities, and come to the VIP day with questions, suggestions, and recommendations.

Step 3: VIP Day

Your family attends your VIP Day, where Allison facilitates a family discussion on the most challenging, hardest-to-talk about caregiving issues, like health decisions, money, living accommodations, driving safety, etc. Family members are invited to submit questions and issues in advance for Allison to introduce throughout the day.

Step 4: Next Steps

Your family will leave the VIP Day with a list of action items, specifically tailored to your family dynamics and the conversations held during your VIP Day. In addition, you will also receive a list of decisions made and wishes revealed during the VIP Day, that will shape family caregiving decisions moving forward.


What will I receive from the VIP Day?

The VIP Day allows your family to engage in an immersive and clarifying Caregiving Assessment for one individual, who is the subject of the VIP Day.

The Point of Contact will receive a document outlining critical information to collect before the VIP Day from the individual, as well as important questions to consider themselves.

During the VIP Day Allison will facilitate discussion around the major caregiving vulnerabilities for the individual. The agenda will be created based upon Allison's assessment of information shared before the VIP Day, as well as suggestions from family members who will actively participate in the session, who will have the opportunity to email Allison directly.

Within 4 days of the VIP Day the Point of Contact will receive a recording of the session (unless there is a technology issue), a written record of key decisions made by the family, and Allison's tailored list of next steps to take.

How do I learn more about the VIP Day if I'm interested but not ready to sign-up?

If you'd like to learn more about the VIP Day, please contact Allison at hello@cozycaregivercafe, with the subject line "VIP Day," and you will receive a response within one business day to answer all your questions!

Is the VIP Day recorded?

The VIP Day is recorded, and that recording is shared with the individual who purchases the VIP Day, known as Allison's "Point of Contact." The Point of Contact has full decision-making over whether the video of the meeting is then shared with others.

Is the VIP Day conducted over Zoom?

Yes! There is no need to travel! The VIP Day will be conducted entirely over Zoom, and your family will be the only members present on the Zoom call.

How long is the VIP Day?

Each VIP Day lasts approximately 3-4 hours, with short breaks as needed. The entire VIP Day will take place on one day (it is not broken up into two days). Allison's written recommendations and list of decisions made by the family during the VIP Day will be sent to the Point of Contact within 4 days of the VIP Day.

Who can attend the VIP Day?

The VIP Day is designed to incorporate the major players in a caregiving situation. The structure of the VIP Day is such that all major players will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on certain issues, so more players does run the risk of less time for everyone to speak. Family and friends are also welcome to listen into the discussion but not participate. These roles are determined by the Point of Contact and communicated to Allison before the VIP Day begins.

How do payments and scheduling work?

Full payment is required to schedule your VIP Day. You have the opportunity to reschedule your VIP Day one time, with 24 hours notice in writing to [email protected]. Once payment is made there are no refunds unless Allison cannot facilitate your VIP Day.

What if I have other family members who need a caregiving assessment?

Your VIP Day includes a Caregiving Assessment of one individual. If you want a Caregiving Assessment for both aging parents, for instance, who are married and living together, the VIP Day can be extended for 1.5 hours to incorporate the second parent for an additional $2,500.

A second family member who does not meet the above criteria (married and living with the first family member) can receive a Caregiving Assessment on a separate VIP Day for an additional $3,500.

Client Testimonials

"This was synchronicity, divinely timed, and a gift to me for you to share your energy, space, wisdom, coaching, empathy, and love."

"I can't thank her enough for the incredible legal support and guidance she has provided me with."

"Your experience was the most transformational I've had in a long time."

"Allison's dedication to her work and her clients is truly exceptional. She is not only a brilliant legal mind but also a great listener."

"Your gentleness and how you read between the lines is incredible."

"I couldn't have asked for a better attorney to guide me through this process.

"You bring light and a way to help people out of the physical pain and the emotional pain of caregiving."

"Throughout the entire process, Allison was not only a legal counselor but also a source of encouragement and support."

"You meet others where they are in their feelings, which is so beautiful, so compassionate, and so thoughtful. I'm emotional right now because I'm so thankful for you."